Capture California Game (Link)
Hoochie Koo
Urban Dictionary

To live a rock and roll lifestyle, free from worry and anxiety. Being a true free-spirit.
Dude, you totally got this Hoochie Koo vibe about you
I hope you all know what I'm talkin' about...

Team Hoochie Koo points total
9/14/2011 - 207 (official)
9/14/2011 - (unofficial)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Adventures #11, #16, #22 and #57

6/24 - 6/26 - A three day fishing trip to Iron Canyon Reservoir near Burney. Wyatt, Sam and the two Matts.

Adventure #11 - Take a picture of a dam
1. Capture California
2. Take a picture of a dam
3. Team Hoochie Koo
Points - 7
The wet side of Iron Canyon Reservoir dam. 6/25/2011
I didn't have the team flag with me so I will have to see if I get credit for it.
A 5 mile kayak paddle on Iron Canyon Reservoir.

Adventure #16 - Hug a tree
1. Capture California
2. Hug a tree
3. Team Hoochie Koo
Points - 5
"I love you, Tree."

Adventure #22 - Give a piece of fishing advice
1. Capture California
2. Give a piece of fishing advice
3. Team Hoochie Koo
Points - 15
Wyatt gives Matt some advice on proper casting technique.

Adventure #57 - Wear a lifejacket!
1. Capture California
2. Wear a lifejacket
3. Team Hoochie Koo
Points - 10
Wyatt with a life jacket on ready to launch a kayak. 6/26/2001

Wyatt on the water wearing a life jacket (without the team Flag). 6/25/2011

Total Points - 37

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